Focusing on the Areas of Environmental, Climate Change, and Sustainability Law and Policy
Robert B. McKinstry Jr.
Following my retirement from Ballard Spahr on March 31, 2018, I will continue to practice environmental law, but will focus more heavily on public interest work and consulting, particularly in the area of climate change. I have practiced and focused on environmental law, since receiving the first joint degree from Yale Law School and its School of the Environment in 1970. I co-founded Spahr's Environment and Natural Resources Group and its Climate Change and Sustainability Law Initiative. From 2001 to 2007, I served as Maurice K. Goddard Chair in Forestry and Environmental Resources Conservation at the Pennsylvania State University School of Forest Resources, My activities also included teaching climate change and other environmental law. |
I have assisted clients with preparing comments on federal and state rules relating to regulation of greenhouse gas emissions and other major air rules affecting the utility industry, as well as issues relating to their response to climate change. I served as counsel of record representing (with several co-counsel) a group of 18 of the leading climate change scientists who submitted amicus briefs to the U. S. Supreme Court supporting petitioners in Massachusetts v. EPA, and represented clean air companies before the United States Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit and the Supreme Court in EPA v. EME Homer City Generation and Michigan v. EPA. I served as general counsel to Carbon Trap Technologies, LLP, a startup company developing a proprietary process for chemical sequestration of carbon dioxide emissions, and currently, serve as senior advisor to the Center for Climate Strategies. |
Additionally, my background includes representing utility clients that support major air rules in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia and the U.S. Supreme Court in EPA v. EME Homer City Generation and Michigan v. EPA. I served as general counsel to Carbon Trap Technologies, LLP, a startup company developing a proprietary process for chemical sequestration of carbon dioxide emissions, and currently, serve as senior advisor to the Center for Climate Strategies.